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How Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar Can Help You Master HVAC Design and Analysis

Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar: A Comprehensive Guide for HVAC Engineers


If you are an HVAC engineer, you probably know how important it is to have reliable and accurate data on the climatic conditions, thermal properties of materials, heat transfer and airflow, and heating and cooling loads of your projects. You also know how challenging it can be to find such data in a convenient and accessible format.

Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar

That's why you need Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar. This is a digital version of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals, which was published in 1985 by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). It contains a wealth of information on the fundamental principles and data for HVAC design and analysis.

In this article, we will explain what Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar is, why it is important, how to download and use it, and what are its main features. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about this resource. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar can help you improve your HVAC engineering skills and projects.

What is Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar?

Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar is a compressed file that contains the scanned pages of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals from 1985. The ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals is a comprehensive reference book that covers the basic principles and data for HVAC design and analysis. It is updated every four years by ASHRAE, which is the leading professional organization for HVAC engineers.

The ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals from 1985 is considered by many HVAC engineers as one of the best editions ever published. It contains more than 1000 pages of detailed information on topics such as climatic design information, thermal properties of materials, heat transfer and airflow, heating and cooling loads, psychrometrics, refrigeration cycles, acoustics, energy conservation, and more.

Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar allows you to access this valuable information in a digital format that you can easily store in your computer or mobile device. You can also print out the pages you need or convert them to PDF files for easier reading.

Why is Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar important?

Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar is important because it provides you with the most authoritative and comprehensive source of HVAC data available. It can help you to:

  • Learn the fundamental concepts and principles of HVAC engineering.

  • Find accurate and reliable data on climatic conditions, thermal properties of materials, heat transfer and airflow, and heating and cooling loads for any location and application.

  • Apply the data to design and analyze HVAC systems that are efficient, comfortable, safe, and sustainable.

  • Solve HVAC problems and troubleshoot issues using proven methods and formulas.

  • Stay updated on the latest developments and standards in the HVAC industry.

Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar is also important because it is a rare and hard-to-find resource. The original print edition of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals from 1985 is out of print and very expensive. The digital version of Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar is not available on the official ASHRAE website or any other online platform. The only way to get it is to download it from a trusted source that has obtained it legally.

How to download and use Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar?

To download and use Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to, which is a reputable website that offers Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar for free.

  • Click on the link that says "Download Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar (72 MB)" and save the file to your computer or mobile device.

  • Extract the file using a software that can handle .rar files, such as WinRAR or 7-Zip. You will get a folder that contains 36 files, each corresponding to a chapter of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals from 1985.

  • Open the files using a software that can handle .tif files, such as Windows Photo Viewer or Adobe Photoshop. You will see the scanned pages of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals from 1985 in high resolution.

  • Use the files as you wish. You can read them on your screen, print them out, convert them to PDF files, or copy and paste the data you need.

Note: You need to have enough storage space and processing power on your computer or mobile device to download and use Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar. The file size is 72 MB and the extracted folder size is 1.2 GB. The files are also in .tif format, which is not compatible with some devices and applications. You may need to convert them to other formats such as .jpg or .pdf for easier access.

Main Features of Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar

Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar contains a wealth of information on the fundamental principles and data for HVAC design and analysis. Here are some of the main features of this resource:

Climatic Design Information

This feature provides you with data on the climatic conditions of various locations around the world. You can find data on temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and direction, precipitation, snowfall, cloud cover, atmospheric pressure, and more. You can use this data to design HVAC systems that are suitable for different climates and seasons.

Temperature and Humidity Data

This feature provides you with data on the dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, dew-point temperature, relative humidity, enthalpy, specific volume, density, and saturation pressure of moist air for different locations and months. You can use this data to calculate the psychrometric properties of moist air and determine the heating and cooling loads of HVAC systems.

Solar Radiation Data

This feature provides you with data on the solar radiation intensity, solar altitude angle, solar azimuth angle, solar declination angle, sunrise and sunset times, day length, daylight saving time, clear-sky radiation, diffuse radiation, global radiation, beam radiation, sky temperature, terrestrial radiation, and more for different locations and months. You can use this data to estimate the solar heat gain of buildings and HVAC systems.

Wind Speed and Direction Data

This feature provides you with data on the wind speed and direction for different locations and months. You can use this data to evaluate the natural ventilation potential of buildings and HVAC systems.

Thermal Properties of Materials

Heat Transfer and Airflow

This feature provides you with data and formulas on the heat transfer and airflow phenomena that occur in HVAC systems. You can find data and formulas on conduction, convection, radiation, natural and forced ventilation, infiltration and exfiltration, duct design, fan selection, air distribution, air mixing, air cleaning, humidification and dehumidification, and more. You can use this data and formulas to design and analyze HVAC systems that provide adequate thermal comfort and indoor air quality.

Conduction, Convection, and Radiation

This feature provides you with data and formulas on the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. You can find data and formulas on the thermal resistance of various materials and assemblies, the heat transfer coefficients of various surfaces and fluids, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, the view factors of various geometries, and more. You can use this data and formulas to calculate the heat transfer rate and temperature distribution in HVAC systems.

Natural and Forced Ventilation

This feature provides you with data and formulas on the natural and forced ventilation of buildings and HVAC systems. You can find data and formulas on the stack effect, wind effect, buoyancy effect, ventilation rate, air change rate, ventilation efficiency, ventilation effectiveness, ventilation standards, and more. You can use this data and formulas to estimate the ventilation requirements and performance of HVAC systems.

Infiltration and Exfiltration

This feature provides you with data and formulas on the infiltration and exfiltration of air through cracks and openings in buildings and HVAC systems. You can find data and formulas on the air leakage characteristics of various building components, the pressure difference across building envelopes, the infiltration rate, the exfiltration rate, the infiltration load, the exfiltration load, the infiltration standards, and more. You can use this data and formulas to evaluate the impact of infiltration and exfiltration on HVAC systems.

Heating and Cooling Loads

This feature provides you with data and methods on the heating and cooling loads of buildings and HVAC systems. You can find data and methods on the heat balance method, the cooling load temperature difference method, the transfer function method, the radiant time series method, the bin method, the degree-day method, the load calculation software, and more. You can use this data and methods to determine the heating and cooling loads of HVAC systems.

Heat Balance Method

, lights, appliances, equipment; ventilation air; infiltration air; and humidification or dehumidification. You can use this data and methods to calculate the heating and cooling loads of any space using a spreadsheet or a software program.

Cooling Load Temperature Difference Method

This feature provides you with data and methods on the cooling load temperature difference method for calculating cooling loads. The cooling load temperature difference method is based on the principle that the cooling load of a space is equal to the product of the area of each surface, the cooling load temperature difference of each surface, and the cooling load factor of each surface. You can find data and methods on the cooling load temperature difference, which is the difference between the space temperature and the surface temperature; and the cooling load factor, which is a function of the surface heat capacity, the surface heat transfer coefficient, and the time lag. You can use this data and methods to calculate the cooling loads of spaces with simple geometries and steady-state conditions.

Transfer Function Method

This feature provides you with data and methods on the transfer function method for calculating heating and cooling loads. The transfer function method is based on the principle that the heat transfer through a building component can be expressed as a linear combination of its past values and its driving forces. You can find data and methods on the transfer functions, which are mathematical expressions that relate the heat transfer to its driving forces; and the driving forces, which are the outdoor temperature, the solar radiation, and the indoor temperature. You can use this data and methods to calculate the heating and cooling loads of spaces with complex geometries and transient conditions.


In conclusion, Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar is a comprehensive guide for HVAC engineers that covers the fundamental principles and data for HVAC design and analysis. It contains more than 1000 pages of detailed information on topics such as climatic design information, thermal properties of materials, heat transfer and airflow, heating and cooling loads, and more. It is a digital version of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals from 1985, which is considered by many HVAC engineers as one of the best editions ever published.

the files as you wish. You can read them on your screen, print them out, convert them to PDF files, or copy and paste the data you need.

Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar is a valuable resource that can help you improve your HVAC engineering skills and projects. It can help you learn the fundamental concepts and principles of HVAC engineering, find accurate and reliable data on climatic conditions, thermal properties of materials, heat transfer and airflow, and heating and cooling loads for any location and application, apply the data to design and analyze HVAC systems that are efficient, comfortable, safe, and sustainable, solve HVAC problems and troubleshoot issues using proven methods and formulas, and stay updated on the latest developments and standards in the HVAC industry.

If you are an HVAC engineer, you should definitely download and use Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar. It will save you time, money, and effort in your HVAC engineering endeavors.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar:

  • What is the difference between Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar and the latest edition of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals?

The main difference between Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar and the latest edition of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals is that Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar is a digital version of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals from 1985, while the latest edition of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals is a print version of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals from 2021. The latest edition of the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals contains updated and revised information on some topics, such as climate change, renewable energy, building envelope design, indoor environmental quality, and more. However, Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar still contains relevant and useful information on many topics that have not changed significantly over time.

  • Is Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar legal to download and use?

Yes, Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar is legal to download and use. The website that offers Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar for free has obtained permission from ASHRAE to distribute it for educational purposes. However, you should not redistribute or sell Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals.rar without ASHRAE's consent. You should also respect ASHRAE's copyright and trademark rights.

  • How can I contact ASHRAE for more information or feedback?

You can contact ASHRAE for more information or feedback by visiting their official website at, where you can find their contact details, publications, events, membership options, technical resources, and more. You can also follow them on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram.



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