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The future of police video: How artificial intelligence and drones are changing law enforcement

After determining the vehicle was stolen, the officer called for backup. Additional Metropolitan Police Department officers as well as two U.S. Park Police officers arrived on scene to assist, police said.

The two U.S. Park Police officers involved in the incident were taken to a local hospital for treatment. The one who fell out of the car did not sustain any life-threatening injuries, officials said. Both officers were placed on paid administrative leave while the Metropolitan Police Department conducts an investigation into the incident, according to police.

police video

The incident in the 2000 block of East Bard Road involved Christian Baltazar Torrez, 18, who had allegedly threatened residents with a knife. The events unfolded around 6 p.m. when Torrez approached officers holding a 3-inch knife and refused to drop it despite multiple police commands and the use of non-lethal force.

The policeman who shot Torrez was identified as Officer Jarrod Sheffield, a two-year veteran of the department who fired four handgun rounds at Torrez. Sheffield remains on paid administrative leave, Benites said, but has an unspecified anticipated return date.

Williams then narrates the course of events over a diagram depicting the location of Torrez and the five officers during the encounter. He said Torrez was still inside the truck when police arrived and took about five minutes to exit the vehicle.

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As he approached officers, Torrez held a knife. Despite demands from police in both English and Spanish, Torrez continued to advance toward officers, even after he was hit with a Taser and beanbag round.

The shooting is the second fatal shooting by Oxnard police this year. Last month, 60-year-old Oxnard resident Adam Barcenas was shot and killed by Officer Shayn Schwartz after advancing on officers with a large metal pole.

Prior to the two incidents this year, the last time an Oxnard officer shot someone was in May 2019, when a 17-year-old girl rushed at police with a knife in an attempted "suicide by cop." She was critically injured but ultimately survived the shooting.

These videos were recorded on the evening of January 7, 2023, in Memphis, Tennessee. Video 1 is a police-issued body-worn camera near the intersection of Raines and Ross Rd. Videos 2, 3, and 4 are video footage at the second location, a residential neighborhood. Video 2 is from a pole camera and contains no audio. Videos 3 and 4 are police-issued body-worn camera videos. These videos have been redacted pursuant to T.C.A. 10-7-501, et. seq. WARNING: The video contains graphic content and language. Viewer discretion is advised. The video can be viewed at

A Pennsylvania man did not have a First Amendment right to record video in the lobby of a police department, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania has ruled. The court reasoned that the restriction on filming in the lobby was a reasonable time, place, and manner restriction on speech that was narrowly tailored to protect the privacy of confidential informants, undercover officers, and crime victims.

Cpl. Brian McGee informed Bradley no filming was allowed in the lobby. Bradley replied that he had a constitutional right to film the police in the lobby. McGee asked Bradley several times to stop filming, but he did not comply. When McGee attempted to take the phone, Bradley pulled away. Several officers assisted McGee and took Bradley into custody, arresting him for the offense of defiant trespass.

On appeal, Bradley contended that he had a First Amendment right to film the police. However, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania affirmed his conviction and rejected his First Amendment argument in its May 5, 2020, opinion in Commonwealth v. Bradley.

Police say the encounter happened during an investigation into Burns regarding two separate shooting incidents. The first occurred on March 17 in Rochester, and another just days later in Brighton on March 23. That's when police say they tried pulling Burns over, but he refused to stop.

Three law enforcement officers in Crawford County, Arkansas, have been placed on leave after a video shared on social media shows them beating and restraining a man in a parking lot. State police will investigate the incident, the governor said.

Worcester was sent to the hospital, and was later released and sent to a county jail. He is being charged with second-degree battery, resisting arrest, refusal to submit, possessing an instrument of crime, criminal trespass, criminal mischief, terroristic threatening, and second-degree assault, state police said.

State police said they have opened a use-of-force investigation, and will submit their findings to the Crawford County prosecutor "who will determine whether the use of force by the law enforcement officers was consistent with Arkansas laws."

In a separate statement from Mulberry Police, the department confirmed that the incident captured on video involved one of its officers, who it said has since been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of a state police investigation.

Repairing trust between communities and the police that serve them is an admirable goal, but attempts like this one fall flat. Nothing in the video indicates that officials are doing anything to dive into the real issues that strain or break community trust: racial profiling, systemic racism, implicit bias, lack of cultural competency or lack of training to interact with our most vulnerable communities, such as people with mental illnesses, Deaf people or those who speak languages other than English.

Neese, his mother, told The Tribune that Breinholt struggled after his father died. He was 15. At first, he turned to music to cope. At some point, he started using drugs. He had some run-ins with police for theft and drug possession.

Officers spent nearly two hours with Breinholt in the DUI processing room at police headquarters, some of it included mundane moments when they filled out papers or waited for help with an electronic warrant.

At some points, the officers paid little attention to Breinholt as he cried and asked for help. At others, they threatened to charge him with more crimes: A charge for giving a false name. A felony for this being his third DUI. Another felony for destroying police property, after Breinholt began chewing on a Breathalyzer cord.

On Aug. 22, 2007, West Valley City Officer Kevin Salmon spotted Christopher Cotton sleeping in a Mitsubishi Eclipse parked at a 7-Eleven. The store employees said it was OK for Cotton, 22, to be there, and Salmon left. When Salmon returned two hours later, Cotton was still asleep. This time the employees told the police officer they wanted the man to leave because he was in a handicapped-accessible parking stall.

A year later, Longman was in his second shooting. This time, he was called to a home after a girl reported her father was choking her mother. When police arrived, they saw 40-year-old Richard Jackson had dragged his wife into the street and was holding a knife to her neck.

Do you believe you or someone in your family was treated unfairly by a police officer and the interaction may have been recorded on a body worn or dashboard camera? Were you in an accident and wish to review camera footage? You may be entitled to review the video.

This form is intended for the request of 911 recordings as taken for police services. If you are seeking a recording of a medical call that CMPD dispatchers transfer to Medic, you will need to make that request for recording to 704-943-6000.PLEASE NOTE:If you need a call for Officers to respond to a specific location you will need to call 911 directly or the Admin Line at 704-336-3237 for out of jurisdiction callers.911 Request form

According to police, when the officer arrived, he gave Moonesinghe a verbal command to drop the gun before firing his department-approved firearm at Moonesinghe. APD said Moonesinghe was struck and fell to the ground, and the rifle was on the ground at his side.

In the video, you can hear police saying to drop the gun a split second before opening fire and shooting Moonesinghe. In a video shown from the perspective of the officer, just seconds after the officer exits the vehicle, you can hear the sound of gunfire.

If the law enforcement unit of an educational agency or institution creates and maintains videos for a law enforcement purpose, then the videos would not be education records and FERPA would not prohibit the law enforcement unit of an educational agency or institution from disclosing the videos to the police. If the videos are education records, however, educational agencies and institutions may not turn over videos to the police upon request without having first either obtained the written consent of the parent or eligible student or determined that the conditions of an exception to the general requirement of consent have been met, such as if the disclosure is made in connection with a health or safety emergency (20 U.S.C. 1232g(b)(1)(I) and 34 CFR 99.31(a)(10) and 99.36) or the law enforcement officer has presented the educational agency or institution with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena (20 U.S.C. 1232g(b)(1)(J) and (b)(2) and 34 CFR 99.31(a)(9)).


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